Monday, September 26, 2005

Hidden Earth Photography Salon Portfolio

Spent the weekend at the annual UK caving conference Hidden Earth where I am usually to be found organising the photography salon and competitions. I had 3 weeks to sort out my pictures from France and just about got a half decent set of 5 prints together to enter. The salon was a great success this year with around 100 prints entered and a very high standard of work. I realised my pictures were not up to the mark when I saw the other competition entries, which was both disappointing but also inspiring. I still need to improve if I am going to win any prizes next year.

Here are the 5 pictures I entered.

Paul Dold on 3rd Pitch in the Trou du Vent

Martin Jahnke Rigging in the Gouffre Raymonde

Paul Dold on the 2nd pitch, Gouffre Raymonde

Martin Jahnke descending a pitch in the Gouffre Raymonde streamway

Formations in the Salle du Bivouac, Grotte de Pène Blanque

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Fantastic Trip to the Felix Trombe

Back from the French Pyrenees after a superb couple of weeks. Lots of photos to sort out. Took over 500 underground in various caves that are part of the Felix Trombe system. One of my main objectives was to get a good photograph of the impressive great chamber in the Trou du Vent. In total we took around 45 frames in the chamber which I can use to build up a composite image to show the whole scene. Here is a quick sample frame to give you an impression of the place.

Grand Salle (Big Chamber) of the Trou du Vent